A.Shapovalov => River Crossing Puzzles

River Crossing Puzzles. Solutions

Let C be the chest, P a pirate, > a journey to the right side and < a journey to the left side.
Load the chest, PPC> PC< PPC>, unload the chest.

Let K be a knight, P a page, > a journey to the right side and < a journey to the left side.
PP> P< KK> P< PP>.

Let a number denote a person of respective weight, > be a journey to the right side and < a journey to the left side.
45+50> 45< 80> 50< 45+50>.

Let a number denote a suitcase with respective kg gold, a number with prime – the owner of the respective suitcase, > be a journey to the right side and < a journey to the left side.
6'2> 6'< 6'4> 6'< 2'4'> 2'2< 6'6> 4'4< 2'4'> 6'< 6'2> 6'< 6'4>.

Let P be dad, M be mama, S son and D daughter, > be a journey to the right side and < a journey to the left side.
PM>(2 min), P<(1 min), SD>(10 min), M<(2 min), PM>(2 min). Total 17 min

Let 1, 2, 3 be grandees, a greater number corresponds to an older grandee, > be a journey to the right side, < a journey to the left side, ^ a journey to the island.
3> 2^ 3^ 1> 3< 2> 3>.

Let D be the dog, C a cat, G a goose, > a journey to the right side and < a journey to the left side.
CC>, <, DG>, CC<, GG>, <, CC>.

Let persons A and C sat opposite each other, and the same for B and D, > be a journey to the right side and < a journey to the left side.
AC>, À<, BD>, C<, AC>.

Let M be a missionary, C a cannibal, > a journey to the right side and < a journey to the left side.
CC>, C<, CC>, C<, MM>, MC<, MM>, C<, CC>, C<, CC>.

Let "P" be the policeman and "R" the refugee from the let side, "p" and "r" the policeman and the refugee from the right side, > be a journey to the right side and < a journey to the left side.
PR>, pR<, R>, Rr<, R>.

Let W be a woman, M a man, > a journey to the right side and < a journey to the left side.
WW> W< WW> W< MM> MW< MM> W< WW> W< WW>.

Let W be the wolf, G the goat and C the cabbage, > a journey to the right side and < a journey to the left side.
G>, <, W>, G<, C>, <, G>.

Let A, B, C, D be husbands and a, b, c, d their respective wives, > be a journey to the right side, < a journey to the left side, ^ a journey to the island.
Aa^ A< Bb^ B< Cc^ C< Dd> D< AD> A< AB> A< AC> d^ ad> d^ bd> d^ cd>.

Let M be a merchant, R a robber, > a journey to the right side and < a journey to the left side.
R>, MM<, R>, MM<, R>.

Let M be a missionary, C a cannibal, > a journey to the right side and < a journey to the left side.
CC>, C<, MM>, C<, CC>.

Let D be the dog, C the cat, G the goose, B the basket with grain, > a journey to the right side and < a journey to the left side.
C>, <, D>, C<, G>, <, B>, <, C>.

Let T and t be two thieves, S and s their siutcases respectively, R the robber, P the policemen, > a journey to the right side and < a journey to the left side.
PR>, P<, PS>, PR<, TS>, T<, Tt>, t<, PR>, T<, Tt>, t<, ts>, PR<, Ps>, P<, PR>.

Let W be a wolf, D the dog, G the goat and C the cabbage, > a journey to the right side and < a journey to the left side.
DG>, D<, WW>, G<, DC>, D<, DG>.

Let A be an adult, C a child, > a journey to the right side and < a journey to the left side.
Repeat the sequence of 4 operations CC>, <C, A>, C< as many times as there are adults at the left side.

Let M be a merchant, R a robber, > a journey to the right side and < a journey to the left side.
R> MM< MR> MM< R>.

Let A, B, C be the husbands and a, b, c their respective wives, > be a journey to the right side and < be a journey to the left side.
ab>, a<, ac>, a<, BC>, Bb<, AB>, c<, ac>, c<, ac>.

Let A, B, C be the thieves and a, b, c their respective suitcases, > be a journey to the right side and < be a journey to the left side.
Ñññ> Ñ< ABC> AB< Aaa> AC< ABC> B< Bbb>

Let W be the wolf, D the dog, G the goat, Cat the cat and Cbg the cabbage, > a journey to the right side and < a journey to the left side.
DG>, <, W>, DG<, CatCbg>, <, DG>.

These two men came to opposite sides of the river. First crossed one, gave the boat to the other, then the other crossed the river back.